Welcome to Femmecina, the house of feminine medicine. Femmecina is Remembrance, Reverence, and Nourishment.
I’m Kristina Numina, the creatrix and founder of Femmecina. I’m equal parts Ceremonialist, Ritualista, Artist, and Guide. I offer Rituals and Remedios that assist you in activating your own altar and prayer. Femmecina is my service, my Soul path, and my purpose.
Read more below.
My Story
At the heart of my work is the recognition that I don't do this alone. There are innumerable relations and teachers who move alongside me, human and
non-human. I offer my gratitude to these beings. Some of them are The Sangre de Cristo Mountains, The Rio Grande, Grandmother Moon, Saguaros Cacti, The Deer, and my barefoot ancestors. The mission of Femmecina is motivated and inspired by grandmothers and my ancestors.
Through the guidance of my Abuelas, I’ve received a medicine bundle and my name, Cihuamazatl Tepeyolotli, Deer Woman who Lives in the Heart of the Mountain.
I walk gently as a new seedling carrying my bundle as a medicine woman and a ceremonialist.
Currently, I live in Albuquerque, NM. I share a home with my husband Joerael Numina, my three dog companions that I refer to as the “Numinitas' '
and our beloved elder cat who's presence has been with us since the beginning of our relationship.
I spend my time cooking, hiking, resting, caring for my plants, being in relationship/ participating in community, dreaming, and creating. My essential practices include sending prayers and offering blessings. I believe these practices have the power to uplift and transform my life. Ometeotl
What is Femmecina
I created the word, Femmecina to completely describe the whole of my prayer, my walk, and my mission. Femmecina means a house for feminine medicine. Meaning a place for us to open our hearts to the mystery of our true nature. Femmecina in action is an altar that teaches us how to be reverent to the power of our own life and supports our prayers, reimagined.
Femmecina is Remembrance, Reverence, and Nourishment!
Your Invitation
I welcome you to utilize Femmecina as a tool for your body and spirit. My guidance and facilitation is birthed out of my direct lived experience with love and suffering.
I weave sweetness with sharp vision like a nopal cactus. The container exudes sensual beauty and I always welcome your dance. You are free to express your essence and be both prayerful and playful. The medicine offered is fierce, truth, and light.
I invite you to enter a sacred temple filled with allies holding us accountable to drop-in and listen. Together we create a space for your uninhibited heartfelt prayers to be felt and spoken. My prayer for our journey together is that we become vessels for wisdom to pour through us like the confluence of rivers.

I Welcome You to Work with Me
Contact me directly here to book your 60 minute visionary consultation.
May the power of our work together open ourselves to the mysterious call of Grace.